AmigaOS3.5 (579/967)

From:Don Cox
Date:17 May 2000 at 21:19:18
Subject:Re: Does Editpad support text.datatype loading.

On 17-May-00, Robin Hueskes wrote:

> This is solved by arexx ;)
> rx shownr filename
> /* */
> parse arg name
> call open('work',name,'R')
> call open('out','ram:outfile','W')
> a = 0
> do until eof('work')
> a = a + 1
> call writeln('out',a readln('work'))
> end
> call close('work')
> call close('out')
> address command
> 'wait'
> 'sys:utilities/multiview' '"'||'ram:outfile'||'"'
> 'delete ram:outfile'

If I read that correctly, it just displays the file in Multiview. My
idea is to be able to go to the problem line and edit it (and any other
line), then save. The numbers would be just in the display, not saved
with the file.

To display only, you can open a shell and type

type foo.rexx opt n

(using the space bar to halt the display)


Don Cox

Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry